The story of an eligible bachelor whose life takes a U-turn with the global recession has been beautifully rendered in this book where the characters of his American aunt and uncle, his sister and some of his American colleagues and friends have been so well etched that one can get an entire picture of the prevailing norms in a particular society. Like most Indians, his family too is eager to get him married off to any eligible girl who is on the scene.The story line is very simple and straightforward with not many twists and turns. But it is interesting and hilarious too with many characters adding elements of fun, spice and variety. The book is informative as it manages to bring out the lifestyle of IT professionals, their insecurities, their inadequacies and their attitude to life.
This is the story of a well-educated Indian Brahmin who works in Canada. Parshuraman Joshi, is just 27 years old, handsome, an IT Professional and earns a multiple-figure salary. When you look at his credentials, it is no wonder that this young man is hot property on the Indian wedding market. Therefore, Parshuraman’s family is flooded with matrimonial proposals from every corner — be it the North Indian Gulati family, the South Indian Iyer household, or the hi-fi Patels. Even his colleague is attracted to him.
However, all attempts to tag him with a suitable bride seem to go kaput for some reason. Parshuraman has bigger issues vexing him such as Jennifer, his aggressive and attractive colleague, and their attempts and efforts to save Project Infinite, a very important assignment given to them by their bosses. In the midst of this, the recession strikes and grips the global economy in its clutches and thus the secure world Parshuraman has created for himself begins to fall apart.
Three characters — Parshu’s sister Ragini, Aunt Parvati and his grandmother stand out in this book as they are well rounded and closely linked to our protagonist.Many of the characters are familiar and the book is both simple as well as written in a very lucid style.
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