
BY Vani IN Uncategorized

Books Beyond Borders: Why Do Pakistani Writers Fare So Well Here? [Quint]

With acclaimed Pakistani novelist Kamila Shamsie’s novel, Home Fire, earning a place on the Man Booker Longlist this year, the focus is once again on Pakistani...

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BY Vani IN For Writers, Guest post, News, Women

Author Rupi Kaur on Ignoring the “No One Will Marry You” Jibes [Quint]

​For one whose book of poetry was rejected by all the major publishers, Rupi Kaur’s labour of love, milk and honey, released in 2015, has spent over...

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BY Vani IN News, Women

Proud That Our Girl Is Fighting Back: Chandigarh on Varnika [Quint]

On Friday night, Varnika Kundu was brazenly stalked by two men in a car, later identified as Ashish Kumar and Vikas Barala – the son of...

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BY Vani IN News, Women

Post Chandigarh Case: Self Defence Tips Police Trainers Taught Me [Quint]

Even as the stalking ordeal of Varnika Kundu makes headlines with Chandigarh Police taking the flak from national media and common men alike for losing crucial...

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BY Vani IN Book Reviews, For Writers, Guest post

What Makes a Brilliant Book Cover? Designers Spill Some Secrets [Quint]

Don’t judge a book by its cover, they say – and I might have taken that quite literally to not give any inputs when my former...

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